Jeny B Toys Anal, Toys Pussy, Squirting, Gapes

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Jeny B
Actions: Toys - Anal, Toys - Pussy, Squirting, Gapes
Run Time: 28:21

The scene with Jeny is really original with some nice touches. This stunning brunette in white outfit quickly undresses and starts with a very great part when she wets her pants. This part really turns me on!! After that you will find that she has a panty hidden al the way in her pussy. First she uses a blue dildo in her ass and mouth before the director pulls the panty out. After that the action slows down a bit but picks up when the puts the dildo in her ass for a second time. I am not a colossal fan of ass action but the way she does it is really great because she is not holding back! Really great scene. Rating 9 out of 10

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